Another breath taking gadget was finally announced by Apple in addition to their MacBook Pro line of laptops. The Macbook Pro 2011 was released Last February 24, they included Intel's latest Sandy Bridge processors, which integrates an HD Graphics 3000 processor with the CPU, they also adopted the Intel's new Thunderbolt technology. Just like the Macbook pro 2010, it varies from 13, 15 and 17 - inch models starting at $1,199, $1,799 and $2,499.

The Macbook Pro 2011 is virtually identical to its predecessor. Slim with its iconic curved lid, the aluminium unibody chassis exudes premium build quality from all angles , however it has three significant changes first the optical drive will be remove, second the hard drive will be shift into a solid state storage with SSDs up to 512GB and third the Light-Peak or the Thunderbolt as they call it is being pushed through, a new technology which the Intel developed that can speed up the data transfer up to 10Gbps, 20 times faster than USB 2.0. The Thunderbolt port supports Display Port, DVI, HDMI, and VGA displays. You could connect easily with multiple high-speed devices, as well as your high resolution display.

Each models has improved features on their specs, for the 13-inch model it has now a dual-core intel, Core i5 2.3GHz processor or, the fastest dual-core processor, Intel Core i7 2.7GHz, for the graphics it is using the build-in Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384MB RAM. The Mac Book Pro 15 and 17-inch model is  powered by 2.0GHz or 2.2Ghz Quad-core Intel Core i7 processor, for the graphics the 15-inch and 17-inch has both Intel HD Graphics 3000 AND, with automatic switching, the more powerful AMD Radeon HD graphic processor.

The Mac Book Pro 2011 was obviously designed for speed and long endurance,  it enables users to browse faster with multiple windows without annoying buffers and with high definition graphics. With its advance technology we can only expect more from its developers,  the Apple company which i personally believed will continue to improved their product and will keep us drooling with awe.


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